Script for New Post in Jekyll
OK cool, that seems to work now. Time to write about it and try to better understand it.
So, I was using the basic Terminal in Ubuntu 18.10 as I haven’t installed anything extra or fancier. I wanted to add a function to my ~/.bashrc so that I can call it to make a new post instead of copy-pasting the post markdown and changing all of the variables each time, especially the datetime.
I searched for a bit and then found this page: How to Implement a Bash Script to Create New Posts in Jekyll
This has a lot of good info here, except I wanted to tweak it a bit.
Let’s work through this
The original script was from @pibby – so I set it up in my .bashrc – this is a hidden file in your home directory.
$ vim ~/.bashrc
If you’re not down with vim and can’t figure out how to exit, try:
- hit ESC
- type :q (you might need :q! if you’ve made changes and want to discard)
- hit ENTER
paste in the code (either hers or mine to start and then edit the filepath so it works for you.)
function new-post() {
# Katie Harron - @pibby
#modified by Justin Moore - @11jmoore
echo "Post Title: "
read title
echo "Post Description: "
read desc
echo "Post Tags: "
read tags
ptitle=${title// /-}
plc=`echo "$ptitle" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`
pdate=`date +%F\ %T\ %z`
fnamedate=`date +%F`
touch $filename
echo "---
layout: post
title: $title
description: $desc
categories: articles
date: $pdate
tags: [$tags]
Sample text" > $filename
atom $filename
now reload your shell (can use source or .)
$ source ~/.bashrc
information about the difference
and give it a try!
$ new-post
Cheers –Justin