OK cool, that seems to work now. Time to write about it and try to better understand it.

So, I was using the basic Terminal in Ubuntu 18.10 as I haven’t installed anything extra or fancier. I wanted to add a function to my ~/.bashrc so that I can call it to make a new post instead of copy-pasting the post markdown and changing all of the variables each time, especially the datetime.

I searched for a bit and then found this page: How to Implement a Bash Script to Create New Posts in Jekyll

This has a lot of good info here, except I wanted to tweak it a bit.

Let’s work through this

The original script was from @pibby – so I set it up in my .bashrc – this is a hidden file in your home directory.

$ vim ~/.bashrc

If you’re not down with vim and can’t figure out how to exit, try:

  1. hit ESC
  2. type :q (you might need :q! if you’ve made changes and want to discard)
  3. hit ENTER

paste in the code (either hers or mine to start and then edit the filepath so it works for you.)

function new-post() {

    # Katie Harron - @pibby
    #modified by Justin Moore - @11jmoore

    echo "Post Title: "
    read title
    echo "Post Description: "
    read desc
    echo "Post Tags: "
    read tags

    ptitle=${title// /-}
    plc=`echo "$ptitle" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`
    pdate=`date +%F\ %T\ %z`
    fnamedate=`date +%F`
    touch $filename

    echo "---
layout: post
title: $title
description: $desc
categories: articles
date: $pdate
tags: [$tags]
Sample text" > $filename

atom $filename

now reload your shell (can use source or .)

$ source ~/.bashrc

information about the difference

and give it a try!

$ new-post

Cheers –Justin