This has been a thing for a while now. I always enjoy trying crosswords, but I’m pretty terrible at them. Every now and then you catch the flow and it’s great. I have been trying to do one a day, with the help of the learning feature most of them have. The “tell me if this letter is right” feature is great for learning and I can already tell improvements are happening after only doing this for a week or so. The game tells you % filled in without help and increasing that while keeping solve time not crazy long is my goal.
So lately, I wake up and start my day with that. The NY times one might be the best but it’s not free so I don’t do it. I have been doing the LA times ones at this link.
Make sure you have adblock installed because they go hard in the paint with annoying ads. I recommend uBlock Origin on firefox or on chrome.
I was also thinking this could be a good way to store public key cryptography seeds.
Going to work on some project pages today as well. Maybe even update the theme of the site a bit.
Cheers! –Justin