I’ve lost data over this and I thought I just forgot the password - definitely did not.

The first bug is that there is no way to see the hint when you incorrectly enter the password.

This has to be a known bug - it’s unbelievable though. I did some searching and saw others have the same problem. It looks like in their hasty fix to the “hint just shows your password” bug - they just stopped showing the hint at all. That sucks.

The second bug is about unknowingly choosing an invalid password.

To recreate:

  • Erase your drive and set it up with MacOS Extended (Journaled, Encrypted)

  • Choose a password “a 1” with spaces in your password.

  • Eject and unplug the drive

  • Plug it back in and enter a 1 to see that this fails.

maybe I’ll put some screenshots in here later tonight.
